Revised September 2021


Seattle, WA – 9/2/2021
Panelist Bios 
Program Materials:  
Caseload Overview and Court Resources PDF
View From the Bench Video


San Diego, CA - 3/19/2019
Panelist Bios 
Program Materials:  
Introduction and Overview PPT
Motions PracticeVideoPPT
Practice Tips for State vs Federal Practice PDF
Demystifying Appellate Practice Video
Effective Briefing and ArgumentVideoPPT


Las Vegas, NV - 3/11/2019
Panelist Bios 
Program Materials:  
Introduction, Overview, Insider View PPT
Introduction and Nuts and Bolts, Motions Practice Video 
Hot Cases - A Closer Look VideoPDF
Hot Cases - Immigration Cases PPT
Hot Cases - Gender Cases PPT
Oral Argument and the Decisional Process Video 


Boise, ID - 10/12/2017
Program Materials: 
Insider View of Appellate PracticePDF
Compiling Excerpts of Record ChartPDF
Transferring your DC Skills to the Appellate CourtVideo
Nuts and Bolts of Appellate Practive in the Ninth CircuitVideo


Spokane, WA - 10/10/2017
Panelist Bios 
Program Materials:  
Insider View of Appellate PracticeVideoPDF
Compiling Excerpts of Record Chart PDF
Coffee Break and Writing Persuasive Appellate Briefs Tips for Oral ArgumentVideo 


Billings, MT - 9/28/2017
Panelist Bios 
Program Materials:  
Introduction and OverviewVideoPDF
Nuts and Bolts of Appellate PracticeVideoPDF
Top Ten Lists  
Tony Gallagher's Top Ten PDF
John Rhodes' Top Ten PDF
James Azadian's Top Ten PDF
Mediation in the Ninth CircuitVideoPPT
Writing Persuasive Appellate Briefs/Tips for Oral Argument:  
Tips for Oral ArgumentVideo PDF
References and Suggested Reading PDF
Petitions for Rehearing and En Banc ProcessVideoPPT