Is this your first time here? Are you new to this Circuit? Here’s a quick guide to getting started.

  1. Do you want to join the Ninth Circuit Bar or file something in this court?
  2. Have questions about the rules of practice in this court?
  3. Looking for a place to start your legal research?
    • — Legal Guides (on the home page, select Legal Guides from left column menu)
    • — Library
  4. Are you looking for court decisions?
  5. Would you like to watch or listen to an argument?

    Go to the home page and look at the box in the lower left, "Live Video Streaming of Oral Arguments"

  6. Would you like to listen to past recordings?

    Archived Audio and Video
    (on the home page, select Archived Audio and Video from left column menu)

  7. Searching for a Form?

    Ninth Circuit Forms
    (on the home page, select FAQs, Forms & Instructions -> Forms from left column menu)

  8. Looking for the Oral Arguments Calendar?

    Calendar for Oral Argument Dates and Locations
    (on the home page, select Calendar -> Oral Arguments from left column menu)