About the Ninth Circuit Library

The Ninth Circuit Library System

The Ninth Circuit headquarters library and the administrative office of the Ninth Circuit library system are located in San Francisco. In addition, we have 23 staffed library branches throughout the Circuit to serve the information needs of over 400 circuit, district, bankruptcy, and magistrate judges. We also serve approximately 5,000 employees of court units throughout the Circuit.

Services & Policies

Assistance with legal research is available on a limited basis to other government personnel, members of the local bar, and public patrons. Services available to non-court patrons are explained below.

What We Can Do:

  • Locate available court information and materials
  • Provide basic reference help (phone numbers, definitions, legal aid resources)
  • Provide basic instruction for using legal materials
  • Locate and/or verify citations
  • Provide referrals to other libraries

What We Cannot Do:

  • Provide legal advice or opinions, or interpret any laws or legal documents
  • Assist with preparation of cases or legal forms
  • Provide in-depth reference assistance or access to fee-based information databases such as Westlaw or Lexis
  • Check out library materials or borrow items from other libraries
  • Provide photocopying or make telephone calls
  • Allow use of our computers, telephones, or supplies